Are you making that list today? No, not the last minute gift list - the list of things that you think might keep you and your kids sane for two whole weeks of break? As we wrap up all the excitement, sensory overload, programs, parties, and constant infusion of candy canes that happens between Turkey Day and Christmas Day - why not schedule some outdoor play time?
Schedule play? Really?
I wish, with all my heart, that outdoor play didn't need to be scheduled. It would be a dream come true if this were the 1980's and my kids were begging me to go run around the neighborhood just a little bit longer. But, times have changed, the days are short, the rain and slush are plentiful, and there is now Disney Plus, so we have a lot to compete with.
So I'm challenging myself as I make the list of activities - ice skating, skiing, crafts - to add three one-hour blocks of outdoor play. This isn't a hike (we may do those too) - it's just getting everyone dressed for the weather and out to a natural area and letting them decide what to do and where to go.
I hope you'll give it a try,too.
I'm looking forward to taking some deep breaths, layering my rain jacket over my puffy coat, making some hot tea, and following my kids arouund the woods with no agenda.
That sounds like a break to me!
p.s. If you're in the Coeur d'Alene area, why not join our Forest Friends CDA Parents group on Facebook? Playgroups and meetups are forming!